Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk
Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk

Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk. In the past, Yoga has always been about how to remain fit and healthy. And still, it’s one of the simplest ways to stay healthy.

During this hectic and stressed life, we’d like to require a while out for our body to rejuvenate ourselves with positive thoughts and energy.

Our body tends to become stiff if we don’t indulge ourselves in any regular & consistent physical activity. Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk.

As in today’s time, all the work has been appropriated by computers, and we’ve become lazy and unhealthy. Our lives became more stressful. Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk.

So, as to stay fresh and healthy, Yoga is the best choice. Today I will explain to you some yoga asanas which you can perform during your office hours on your desk. Which will keep your health and mind active?

Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk
Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk

Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk

1. Kapal Bharti

This asana is useful for the system respiratory. It oxygenates your body and radiates stale air out of your body. Therefore, the steps to perform this asana are as follows:

How to do Kapal Bharti

1.Sit in a comfortable position together with your spine straight.

2. Rest your hands on your knees, palms facing down.

3. Inhale deeply through both nostrils, expanding the chest.

4. Exhale the breath with contractions of abdominal muscles and relax.

5. Repeat the inhale and exhale process multiple times.

6. Relax.

This asana helps to cleanse the lungs. it’s beneficial for our system respiratory which will help to stop illness and allergies.

Kapal Bharti regulates blood circulation and is additionally good for our psychological state. It keeps our minds calm and serene.

Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk
Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk

2. Anulom Vilom

This yoga is perfect for all ages. In-office you must do it a minimum of 10 minutes.

The technique is excellent for healing, and getting rid of breathing or respiratory problems. This can be done even after meals also.

How to do Anulom Vilom?

1. Always sit in Sukhasana with your hands resting sideways on the knees.

2. You can also sit in Padmasana.

3. If you start from the left nostril then close the right nostril with your right thumb and inhale slowly to fill up your lungs.

4. Now, close your left nostril and exhale slowly from the right nostril.

Your pure focus should be on your breathing and practice it slowly. Repeat 60 times or for 10 minutes. You better practice it in the morning and the evening only.

5. Ensure that your back is straight and your shoulders relaxed while you perform the pranayama.

Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk
Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk

3. Vajra Asana

Vajra asana is additionally one among the only asanas. But this asana is useful for our gastrointestinal system. Yes, if you’re affected by stomach problems, then my friend, you ought to do this asana. Steps to perform Vajrasana

1.Sit straight and convey your legs under your body with knees bent.

2. The toes should touch one another, and your ankles should be bent inward.

3. Perform this asana after your dinner or any meal of your day.

This asana will hurt you initially, but with time you’ll be habituated to taking a seat during this position. Vajra Asana has innumerable benefits. love it helps to manage blood circulation, cures stomach problems like constipation, keeps check on ulcers and the gastrointestinal system, tones body muscles strengthens your sexual organs, and cures joint pains and urinary problems too. Japanese people dine in this position due to its innumerable benefits.

Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk
Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk

4. Wrist and Finger Stretch

While sitting, take the fingertips of one hand into the palm of your other hand. Extend that same arm forward, at shoulder height, and gently pull your fingers down toward the back of your wrist until you feel a slight stretch.

Count to five or 10, then switch hands.

Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk
Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk

5. Wrist and Finger Stretch Individually

Go back to your wrist stretch, but this time, pull each finger individually toward the back of your wrist.

You should feel a slight sensation through your fingers, and keep your arm extended and keep pressing your wrist forward.  Hold for 3-5 breaths, then repeat on the other side.

6. Tad Asana

This asana is additionally called a mountain pose. it’s performed during a standing position and helps you correct your balance and mobility—steps to perform Tadasana.

1. Stand straight and keep the space between your feet.

2. Now raise your both hands in the upward direction.

3. Raise your heels too and remain in this position for 10 seconds.

4. Repeat as per your capacity.

Tadasana is the best asana for youngsters who want to extend their height. It regulates the system’s nervousness and also improves body posture and balance.

7. Seated Side Stretch

From tadasana, extend your right arm toward the left side of your body, finding as much length as possible from the right hip to the right armpit.

Palm can face to the left, and the gaze can shift up toward your bicep if that feels okay on your neck. Create space between your shoulders and ears.

For you

It’s important to require a while out for yourself. These asanas not only keep you & your employee healthy, but they also keep you positive.

HR to take approval from your management and allow employees to do 20-30 minutes of yoga in a specified time on their seats.

Your team becomes a special team altogether once you start practicing asanas daily. So, try these asanas out and develop a great culture in your organization.

Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk
Know It All 7 Yoga Do At Your Office Desk