Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team
Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team

Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team. Talent is possibly one of the key pillars of doing anything in an organization. So that’s the reason I’m going to share something with you.

I’m going to cover Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team for you today is the whole concept of the employer and the employee. The equation or relationship is no longer what it was in the past.

I don’t know how many people recognize Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team. The child of today is very different from the child of 15 years ago. The parent-child relationship is a very different relationship today.

Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team
Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team

It’s the same in the organization. The employee-employer relationship is dramatically different as it was ever before. However, the equation between the employer and the employee has changed irrevocably in the last 15 years.

In the last 15 years specifically, neither of them are committed long-term to each other. Good or bad is a different matter, but that’s true.

Expectation from the talent acquisition team.

I always tell people to be loyal to the company as long the company is loyal to you. The day you feel that the company’s not loyal to you. You should have your avenues open. That is the free market of talent today.

Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team
Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team

Top 5 Concerns

Talent acquisition, development, and retention consistently figure in the top 5 concerns for the top 5 areas to focus on for every CEO and every company.

But Talent is front and square at the top five agenda items. You cannot get away from it. So is talent important to a CEO of a company, absolutely YES.  So, there’s no doubt about that and there’s no debate whether it’s on or not on.



3-Regulatory framework


5-Being ready for the future


Talent is a key pillar of doing anything in an organization.

Talent acquisition/HR managers more than anybody else should recognize that. Expectation from the talent acquisition team.

Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team
Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team

Do all employees have Talent?

Yes, I believe that all employees have the talent of some shape or the other.  The catch is that not all talent produces results. Employees are talented in their way, but that talent does not produce results for you.

So, I come from a school of thought that all employees are talented. You need to align them, you need to coach them, you need to build them up if they need to produce results. They have some talent in them not everybody produces the same level of results.

You have a bunch of employees who produce a lot more results. You have a bunch of people who produce a lot less.

What is Active & Passive Talent?

Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team
Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team

Active Talent 

People who are always learning who are seeking new opportunities. Equally, active talent is people who are grooming talent. These active talents are the greatest help to CEOs on the board and the management team.

The reason they take care of building the next layer. They are active in their learning, and they are active in developing talent.

Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team
Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team

Passive Talent

Who says nothing can change, nothing will change, in this company, nothing has changed with me. If you put a talented person under/with that person that talented person gets disheartened.

They do not encourage new talent.

So now there are two types of people in your organization. Once you have active talent who actively pushes learning push the development of talent and you have passive talent who just don’t do it now.

When you are CEO, CHRO, or a talent acquisition manager. You have to recognize that there are two bunches of people.  If you do not recognize then you will treat everybody in the organization as the first bunch and you’ll end up a failure.

All CHROs or talent acquisition managers please remember this not everybody is a talent champion in your company.

Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team
Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team

What do people look for before joining a company?

People see six attributes in a job. Top six attributes

1-Salary & Benefits 48%

2-Work-life balance 44%

3-Job Security 42%

4-Career progression 39%

5-Strong Management 39%

6-Financial health of the company 34%

Why people stay in the company?

1-Job security – 45%

2-Salary & benefits – 42%

Why people leave the company?

1-No career path and poor management – 43%

2-Poor compensation – 28%

When employees don’t see where is their next promotion is due. They don’t see where their next role definition is going to happen. What is their future with the organization?

I think if you truly want to attract talent you have to think about this carefully.

Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team
Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team

How are hiring Ads these days?

We have to be very specific about whom the Ads are being prepared. What type of talent we are planning to attract to our organization. Management & CHROs if you put junk Ads then why will you get talent?

If we put junk advertising on your brands. Will your consumers buy your product? It’s the same with you. Your company is a brand so please think deep and hard about the communication around your hiring process. You are not thinking deep enough.

CVs have become commoditized and outsourced

There’s a standard template there are people who will write it for you. They will gather a bunch of words throw in and around of the resume.

For any job you have the same words for any job, you have the same skills, same capabilities for any job.

What are the common CV mistakes

1-CVs has become a job description. People are pasting their JDs on their CV.

2-Copy pasting objectives

3-Most of the CVs never mention the impact on the job they have done during their tenure.

4-Resume too lengthy.

5-Typos and Grammatical Errors

Interview rarely starts on time

Interviews rarely start on time. In how many of your companies do you think the interview starts on time? Less than 10% of the organizations start the interview on time. Friends this is in your control.

You call them at 10’0 clock and meet them at 12:00 or 1:00. What do they think of your organization? Then why are you surprised when you get bad ratings on Glassdoor? His experience says that this is a bad organization I don’t want to join.

No point in talking about talent acquisition if you don’t get our basics right. Always remember the guy who’s come for the job it’s a big deal for him to start on time.

For you

You will rarely get a job when you need it, the sad truth of life.  You will get so many jobs when you don’t need them.

Keep updating your resumes every 6 months.

All TA/HR managers should be conversant with the business strategies.

Have one interview when you call a candidate, get all concerned people into the room, and finalize on the same day. It works.

TA/HR managers never forget to complete the life cycle management successfully from hiring, and onboarding up to farewell as when any employees leave the organization.

Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team
Lifetime Expectation From Talent Acquisition Team